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Hawaii Psychological Association
For a Healthy Hawaii
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The Psychologically Healthy Workplace 

Hawaii National Bank (HNB)
2007 Award Winner: Large Business Category

Due to a very successful health initiative with HMSA, HNB has actually seen a decrease in insurance premiums on average of 5.6% per year for the past three years. Additionally, 70% of participants lost an average 8.4 pounds, and the IT Department lost an average of over 23 pounds each in one year!

Employees also have access to an ergonomics specialist who can provide consultations on workspace improvement for health and injury prevention. Their Spirit and Wellness Committee’s, sole mission is to address the needs and concerns of all employees as they relate to job satisfaction and wellness.

They have implemented monthly brown bag workshops, self defense training and manager development programs. There is constant feedback up, down and throughout the organization on a variety of measures.

Hawaii Psychological Association
P.O. Box 833
Honolulu, Hawaii 96808
ph: (808) 521-8995

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